Budget Unit

Shadrach Midataku
Director, Budget Unit
Director Budget and planning: Obtained primary school leaving certificate from Dagza prim. School in 1980, SSCE from GSS Mubi in1991, IJMB Certificate from Adamawa State Poly in 1992, BSc Accounting from ABU Zaria in 1998, MBA Finance from Unimaid in 2010 and MSc Accounting from Unimaid in 2016.
Was employed by the University as Accountant II in Jan. 2003 in the Bursary Dept. He worked and rose to rank of Director in the Dept effective from Oct. 2018. He is currently serving as a Director in charge of Budget and Budget monitoring in the University. The Directorate is responsible for preparing University budget and monitor it’s implementation.
He is a member of Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN), Senior member of Chattered Institute of Loan Risk Management and Associate member Nigerian Institute of Management.