Department of

Crop Production


The department started as Department of Crop Production and later was changed to Department of Agronomy. It is among the pioneer departments established in the year 2002. The department controls very huge farm establishments of the university.

Philosophy and Objectives
The department is established to provide a broad-based undergraduate training in agricutlture and designed to give a more practical and functional training in various areas. It provides training in Agricultural sciences to meet the needs of increased productivity required in the mobilization of the rural areas. This exercise is based on the philosophy of creating opportunities for progress and profit in agriculture, where the department is involved in developing appropriate manpower for it. To achieve this, the objectives below are relevant for agricultural manpower development in Adamawa State University.
The graduates of agriculture produced by the department are expected to be able to accomplish the following:

  • Engage in production and research that would provide relevant and appropriate solutions to the problems of agriculture and rural development and improve agricultural productivity in Adamawa state and Nigeria in general;
  • Take up employment anywhere in Adamawa State and Nigeria in general in any aspect of agriculture and related areas;
  • Profitably put their skills into operation by establishing and operating their own farming enterprises.

The department has two laboratories, crop production/protection and soil science. The laboratories have up-to-date necessary equipment and facilities for teaching and research in crop production, protection and soil science.

Departmental Courses

Departmental Staff