Directorate of Research and Innovation

Prof. Idris Musa Atadashi
Directorate of Research and Innovation
Directorate of Research and Innovation
The Directorate of Research and Innovation was established to enhance researches in Adamawa State University, Mubi. Besides, it is saddled with the responsibility of organizing conferences and attracting research grants from various organizations such as Tetfund, European Union and United Nations etc. It is worthy to mention that a good number of Academic Staff have benefited from Tetfund research grants. Furthermore, the Directorate is opened to positive suggestions that would provide positive results.
Research Activities
The University research activities are now on a new pedestal; a good number of researches are currently on-going with the hoped that, ground-breaking discoveries will be obtained in no distance time. The areas of researches been undertaking are cutting edge researches that have attracted grants from TETfund. Besides, researches currently on-going, numerous numbers of research proposals are been processed for TETfund funding.
It is worth mentioning that, the University is now working assiduously to cement its position on the world research map; as different incentives are given to hard working researchers which include amongst others; conference attendance without encumbrances, accelerated promotions, and academic recognition. The University has also recently reviewed her research policy so as to attract research grants from different organizations such as National Research Fund, African Union Research Fund, European Union Research Fund and World Bank Research Fund. Additionally, the University has signed different Memoranda of Understanding on research with different Universities and Research Institutes across the globe to enhance her research activities. Furthermore, a considerable number of enviable researches are been undertaking in the field of humanities and climatic changes, these researches are also targeted to be impactful both locally and internationally. Thus, some of the areas of researches currently been investigated are presented in the Table below:
Table: TETfund Fully Funded Researches
Names of Principal Researchers | Title of Researches | Status of the Researches |
Dr. I.M Atadashi | Application of Membrane Technology for the Refining of Biofuels | On-going |
Dr. Solomon A. Mamuru | Application of nanoparticles as catalysts for biomedicine | On-going |
Dr. Ibrahim B. Birma | Development of nanocomposite beads for the removal of pesticides and heavy metals in water | On-going |
Dr. Augustine Clement | Evaluation of sickle pods as protein for albino rats and gastro-protective activities | On-going |
Dr. Sudi Yada | The mechanism of action of standardized hydroethanolic extract of sphaeranthus senegalensis | On-going |
Dr. Jimjel Kulkawi | The Spatial Integration between Markets of Cowpea in Adamawa State. | On-going |
Dr. Simon Kasidi | Integrated Geophysical Method for Ground Water Exploration in Adamawa State University, Mubi. | On-going |
Dr. Ezekiel Yonnana | Hydrogeomorphic and Limnologic Dynamics of Fluviatile Lakes/Pond in Adamawa State, Nigeria. | On-going |
Dr. Wahedi J. Alexander | Distribution, Transmission Dynamics and Insecticide Resistance Status of Malaria Vectors, in Adamawa State, Nigeria. | On-going |
Dr. Joel Filgona | Prevalence of Intestinal and Urinary Helminth Parasites Infection of Humans in Adamawa State. | On-going |
Dr. Lazarus N. G. | Integrated Approach of Aeromagnetic Map, Remote Sensing and GIS for Mapping Groundwater resources in Mubi Adamawa State. Nigeria. | On-going |
Conference and Workshop
The Directorate has recently organized her maiden Conference and Workshop to sensitize Academic Staff on ways of writing fundable research proposals. The Conference and the Workshop were well attended and appreciated by the Academic Staff.
Interactive Sessions on Innovative Researches and Entrepreneurship
A two day interactive sessions between Academic Deans and Directors, and two Experts on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ms. Onyebuchi Lenoir and Mr. Julius Jesse Mbidomti, took place at Adamawa State University, Mubi. The interactive sessions looked at wide range of researches and other activities of the University and proffered excellent innovative ideas that can boost both research and other activities of the University. The ideas/suggestions made by the Experts were well appreciated. Both parties agreed that skills development of both Staff and Students are essential for the University to be properly placed on the global map in terms innovation and entrepreneurship. Additionally, the interactions were all tailored toward better and innovative researches that can generate revenue to the University.