About Us
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Welcome to the Website of the Adamawa State University Mubi. This is our global window to the world. In it you will get the information you need regarding our history, our operations, our programmes and of course our policies, plans and strategies for actualizing our vision.
Although all Universities have a triple mandate of Teaching, Research and Community service, ours goes beyond that. We are operating from a sub-urban community with more challenges than most similar institutions. As we strive to overcome our own challenges, we shall be doing so for the benefit of the community where we are located. This we shall do within the context of the Universality of Universities as global institutions. Mubi, where we are based is also a uniquely historic town. It was at one time the capital of the German Territory of Northern Camerouns. It was the seat of government that was established by both the League of Nations as a Trustee Territory and the United Nations as mandated Territory.
We look forward to partnership with National, International and Institutional bodies and organizations in our quest to build a citadel of learning comparable to ant University in the world.
In this website you will find our structure, programmes, facilities, admission requirements, students activities and all information needed about us, about what we do and how we do it in the best possible manner.
Our goal is to cultivate and maintain the highest possible standard in all our academic activities.
Welcome to our window to the world
Welcome to our website
You are welcome.
Dr. Stephen A. Lagu
Acting Vice Chancellor